We did it! The Mei-la Wrap made its debut at the 2nd International Babywearing Conference in
We had two main goals in attending the conference:
1. Get as much feedback as possible and critique of the carrier itself: the feel, construction, style, ease of tying, etc.
2. Gage who would be interested in purchasing this carrier.
I am happy to say we met these goals. At our booth, we had a number of sample carriers available for conference-goers to examine, critique, and try on. Among those who gave us feedback were fellow vendors, designers, expert seamstresses, brick and mortar store owners, online store owners, avid babywearers both from the
The response was overwhelmingly positive. Conference-goers really seemed to enjoy the feel of our soft woven fabric, and the construction of the carrier itself. Others were impressed by the ease and comfort the Mei-la Wrap provided. We were very excited to have Ulrike Hower’s input. Ms. Hower founded the
It was exciting to have so many people interested in purchasing the Mei-la Wrap. Although it would have been nice to sell carriers to all those who were interested, we really wanted to do things right. Meaning, we wanted to use the conference as a testing ground and use any feedback received to improve the Mei-la Wrap. Our number one interest is to provide the highest level of quality and safety when the carrier is available for purchase.
We hope to release the Mei-la Wrap for purchase this coming fall. As soon as we have a clearer idea when the actual release date will be as well as pricing information, we will post it on the blog and website. In the meantime, we will keep you updated on developments that should arise in the continued creation of the carrier that provides comfort with style, structure with versatility!